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How to exterminate birds and piegons?

You don’t always need to get in touch with an expert for pigeon and bird extermination. There are certain methods, which you will be able to follow on your own and end up with securing positive results. Here is a list of some of the most prominent pigeon and bird extermination tips out of them. All you have to do is to follow these tips and experience the positive results offered by them to you at the end of the day.

Use bird spikes

Using bird spikes is the most popular pigeon and bird extermination method followed by people who live out there in the world. Bird spikes are the sharp spikes, which you will be able to place in different areas of your yard. You can think about setting them up in places where pigeons loaf. Then you will be able to keep the pigeons away with minimum hassle. This is a humane method available for you to consider as well. That’s because it doesn’t have the ability to cause any harm to the pigeons. You will only be able to keep pigeons and other birds from landing with the help of bird spikes. Therefore, you can secure positive results at all times.

Use a string

You can also think about using a string to get rid of pigeons and other birds. Upon getting a string, you can install it in between two posts in your home. It is better if you can get the string installed in a place where pigeons and other birds loaf. Then you will be able to keep them away with minimum hassle. At the time of purchasing a string, you need to make sure that you are buying a weatherproof string. Then you will be able to get the best possible returns offered by it.

The string you place at the yard will also be able to assist you with keeping pigeons and other birds away from landing. If the pigeons and other birds cannot land, they will not be able to loaf. Hence, you don’t need to worry too much about the presence of pigeons and other birds.

Control the food supply

You should take a look at the food supplies available for pigeons and other birds around the house and control them as well. Then you will be able to keep pigeons and other birds from getting attracted to your living space with ease. You will be able to remove all the food sources along with trash cans. In addition to that, you need to make the trash cans less appealing or the birds as well. When pigeons and other birds cannot find lots of stuff to eat, there is a high possibility for them to look for another place to loaf. Therefore, you will not have to worry too much about the frustration caused by pigeons.

These tips can deliver amazing results to you and you just need to follow them and experience positive returns offered.

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